Mtr. Sarah encourages us to be present in the here and now, proclaiming the goodness of God's love and our hope in Christ Jesus.
Mtr. Sarah encourages us to commit ourselves to God's Kingdom in the here and now.
Fr. Wiley prays that we become more and more a people of holy provocation: challenging each other to live freely by putting down our burdens and taking up the work of setting others free.
Fr. Gee suggests that we be more concerned about the condition of our heart than how others perceive our righteousness.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that on All Saints Sunday we remember all who have been saved by the grace of God and celebrate the promise of new life in Christ.
Fr. Wiley points out that the psalms remind us of God's faithfulness and point the way to hope.
Bishop Benhase discusses how once we've been washed with God's mercy, we can then extend it to others.
Fr. Wiley challenges us to do the hard thing and smash the idol that competes with the Messiah.
Mtr. Sarah discusses how our focus should always be on that which brings healing and wholeness to a community.
Fr. Wiley expounds on the teachings that direct us to lean on God to overcome our problems, temptations and sin.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that our temporal work has eternal significance so our dreams are always to move the world around us closer to God.
Fr. Wiley challenges us to provoke one another to acts of love and good works, letting our speech set a holy fire.
Mtr. Sarah points out that faith exercised on behalf of others illustrates our ability to see Christ in others as we faithfully serve our neighbor.
Mtr. Sarah discusses how our faith shouldn't be so abstract that it isn't evident in our actions.
Fr. Wiley comments that when faced with truth that challenges us, it's easier to believe the lie we like.
Fr. Wiley reminds us how the Eucharist is a timeless reminder of our unity with Christ and with one another.
Mtr. Sarah discusses how we meet at the table where the bread and wine represent a promise for eternity.
Fr. Andy reminds us that everyone has a gift to offer the ministry of God, now and forever.
Mtr. Sarah reminds us that Jesus offers so much when we rely on Him.
Mtr. Sarah reminds us that we are not the ones who determine where God goes; God is wherever His people are.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that we are called to love, to be bringers of peace, to be the calm in the storm.
Fr. Wiley reminds us to keep focused on faith as God works through us, knowing everyone we encounter is a child of God.
Mtr. Sarah asks what is stopping us from seeking Jesus.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that when we're living in the will of God, every obstacle can be overcome when we turn to Jesus in faith.
Mtr. Sarah reminds us that parables are meant to illustrate the magnificence of the kingdom of God.