Fr. Wiley invites you to join the work already in progress by making your way back to God, by accepting the invitation of the incarnation.
Fr. Wiley proclaims that you need only come to believe that when we say Jesus is for everybody, everybody includes you.
Fr. Wiley discusses that, like Mary, a heart willing to love and hands willing to serve are an open invitation for God to do something miraculous through you.
Fr. Wiley challenges us to be the "weirdo in the water" and introduce others to the good news of the Gospel.
Fr. Wiley invites us to join with John, Zachariah and Baruch and help tell the world that peace, joy, hope and love are available for all and available today.
Fr. Wiley advises us to get ready and prepare a place for the coming of the Lord - in our hearts, in our homes and in the lives we share with those we love.
Fr. Wiley discusses how the Way of Love is how God's will works in our lives to change the world, and all we need is the courage to proclaim Christ as King, to believe that the Holy Spirit working in us can do more than we ask or imagine, and boldly walk the way of love.
Fr. Wiley encourages us to go out into the world and make this good news known to others.
Fr. Wiley advises that we make prayer a constant part of our life as we endeavor to live a Jesus-centered life.
Fr. Wiley encourages us to keep learning, and instead of trying to shape scripture to our worldview, let our worldview be shaped by scripture.
Fr. Wiley advises us to resist the urge to fill every moment and learn to rest in God.
Fr. Wiley bids us to go forth in The Way of Love, finding ways to worship wherever we are, taking the light of Christ to every corner of our world.
Fr. Wiley invites us to turn away from our old lives and turn towards God.
Fr. Wiley invites us to come and be blessed, and then go and be a blessing to others.
Fr. Allison discusses the many ways God reveals himself.
Fr. Wiley invites us to fulfill our mission to love God and bring others to Christ by living "the way of love".
Fr. Wiley reminds us the victory is already won, and that all we need do is armor ourselves defensively and work for the protection of others.
Fr. Wiley encourages us to let God have an opportunity to lead us into a new life.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that we don't have to be helpless and starving in the wilderness, when we are literally surrounded by the living bread from heaven.
Fr. Wiley invites us to take on the way of love, and watch our life start to grow with the transfiguring brightness of God.
Fr. Wiley talks about the work to prepare the vessel in the way of love, so that when the Holy Spirit comes to move through us, we are ready to be filled up and poured out.
Fr. Wiley discusses how to discern the voice of a trustworthy shepherd.
Fr. Wiley calls us to become a people that practice a Jesus-centered life.
Fr. Wiley advises that the most valuable thing we can do is simply believe in the unmerited grace of God.
Fr. Wiley discusses the paradox that our faith in God is complete only when we utterly lose faith in ourselves.