Fr. Wiley describes how tonight sets in motion the restoration of humanity - how hope came down to redeem the world.
The Rev. Deacon Lisa Meirow encourages us all to express our joy during this Christmas season!
Sarah describes how God loves to do extraordinary things through ordinary people.
Fr. Wiley shares that we are to bring all we are, and all we have, to the altar for use by God.
Fr. Wiley discusses how God is calling us to a life of higher purpose. Here. Now.
Mtr. Teresa discusses the difference between waiting for Christmas and waiting for Christ.
Sarah asks us to acknowledge the blessings we have received and let the goodness in us show in our actions towards others.
Fr. Wiley reminds us to do our best all the time, depending on God's grace to forgive us when we fail, and praying always: Come Lord Jesus.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that we should always remember God's faithfulness to us, and remain faithful ourselves.
Fr. Wiley discusses the transformative love of God that sets us apart from the world.
Fr. Wiley challenges us to remember what our forebears took so long to learn - and then continue on to the next step.
Sarah reaffirms that the promise of God's presence is with us throughout the journey of our life.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that bearing fruit for the kingdom means showing up - not just saying yes.
Fr. Wiley discusses the 10 commandments as ties that bind versus bonds that imprison, as signposts on the road to reconciliation with God.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that having the mind of Christ means our highest state is being in harmony with everyone else.
Sarah reminds us that God's grace is the same for everyone and challenges us to extend that same grace to others.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that grace, mercy and forgiveness should be infinite for those who seek it.
Fr. Michael advises us to pause, listen and respond to God's call.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that we are all God's chosen people and, accordingly, our task is to cultivate love even in the midst of hate.
Fr. Wiley comments on those times when we are not in control; when our own strength is not enough; when the only thing we can do is cry out to God.
Fr. Wiley discusses how we, like Moses, reflect the light of Christ by being in God's presence.
Fr. Wiley asks where in your life is God's blessing, but your attention is elsewhere?
Fr. Wiley shares that as God has already chosen us, we need only wake up and respond in faith.
Fr. Wiley discusses the hope into which we were baptized - to be hearers and doers of the Word - to become part of the yield that God is looking for from creation.
Fr. Wiley encourages us to never stop seeking wisdom, personified in Jesus Christ.