Fr. Wiley reminds us that God's work is greater than our current suffering and that our future depends on Him, not ourselves.
Mtr. Sarah invites us to consider how we express our loyalty to the heavenly kingdom.
Fr. John encourages us to "choose to be chosen"
Fr. Wiley reminds us that God has given us a gift in helping us know how to live.
Mtr. Sarah challenges us to live into the truth that God is with us both in times of blessing and suffering.
Fr. Wiley asks: when we're doing God's will, are we willing to trust in God's provision?
Fr. Wiley reminds us that we've received forgiveness from God in such magnitude that we cannot contain it, and knowing this - how could we ever not grant it to others with the same generosity.
Mtr. Sarah highlights the command to Love One Another - because if it's the only thing you do - it's enough.
Mtr. Sarah asks what would it take for us to be so open to God's call that we'd recognize it when we hear it.
Mtr. Sarah describes how the story of God's plan for our salvation can be seen in the story of Shiprah and Puah.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that every blessing is a gift of grace that we don't deserve and thus is worth celebrating, thanks be to God.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that by keeping our eyes on Jesus, our faith is bolstered and all our worries are kept in perspective.
Mtr. Sarah encourages us to be attentive to the light of the moment as it may be pointing to the next new thing that brings glory to God.
Fr. Wiley highlights that the great gift of knowing, interpreting and internalizing scripture is that it leads us to participate in God's ongoing project of creation.
Fr. Wiley reflects on the parable of the wheat and the weeds and reminds us that our work is to build one another up, bear one another's burdens and bear fruit.
Mtr. Sarah reflects on the future benefit of scattering seeds in ministry today, thanks be to God.
Mtr. Sarah comments on how hard it is to hear God's voice when we've already decided what we expect Him to say.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that every person we see is an opportunity to meet Jesus, and every door we go through is an opportunity for someone to meet Jesus in us.
Mtr. Sarah describes the new life we are called into as disciples and apostles of Christ.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that the Holy Spirit and faith are the only supplies we need as we go out into the world to spread the Good News.
Mtr. Sarah reminds us that we worship a God who is generous with mercy, sits down with sinners and allows interruptions for calls of mercy from his children.
Fr. Wiley confronts the overwhelming difficulty in expressing the mystery of the inexpressible.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that we are filled with the Holy Spirit to be poured out to others in love and service in devotion to God.
Fr. Wiley offers encouragement for our dark moments of suffering and reminds us that we are never alone.
Mtr. Sarah reminds us that the coming of the Holy Spirit signals new creation being born into this world, within each of us.