Fr. Wiley discusses the awesome gift of The Word becoming flesh to be among us.
Fr. Wiley invites us to come and see what Love has done.
Fr. Wiley encourages us to give our life to Jesus and watch as he gives life to us.
Fr. Wiley advises that the time is now to share the gift of the Gospel.
Fr. Wiley asks us to prepare our hearts and make ourselves ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour.
Fr. Wiley invites us into a life where we serve a King, who first served us.
Fr. Wiley reminds us that the label that matters is "child of God".
Fr. Wiley discusses how feeding our higher nature is the work of a lifetime.
Fr. Wiley invites us to walk in the freedom of Christ and move this world closer to the world God intends.
Fr. Wiley asks if we practice faith for our own ego?
Fr. Wiley asks if we have the courage to allow God to keep His promise.
Fr. Wiley pauses in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew to say Thank You Lord.
Fr. Wiley asks us to look and see what's truly valuable in this life.
Fr. Wiley discusses where true value lies - love of God and love of neighbor - versus allowing the things we own, to own us.
Fr. Wiley asks if Jesus can make an Apostle out of Paul - what can he do with you?
Fr. Ron asks: what will we sacrifice to follow Jesus?
Fr. Wiley share the message of Jeremiah as we turn back to receive the Living Water, trusting that God will bless our efforts to do His will.
Fr. Wiley asks us to listen to the wisdom and warning of Hebrews and then consider on what we have built our life - what of this has God blessed?
Fr. Wiley invites us to take the risk to get to know the dynamic, dangerous, wonderful God and Savior and be completely transformed.
Fr. Wiley invites us to look at the world that God has made and know that God's word is true.
Lisa Meirow asks when is enough, enough - because one's life does not exist in the abundance of possessions.
07-17-2016, Luke 10:38-42, Fr. Wiley uses the story of Jesus, Mary and Martha to ask questions about who we should be to one another and who the Lord should be to us.
July 11, 2016 - Luke 10:25-37, Lisa, our seminarian, looks at the story of the good Samaritan and a question of the law to separate details from essentials.
Sermon broadcast from The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer